Reception of the district executive committee

Leninskaya Street, 76
Shklov, Mogilev region 213010
Receiving room:
8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Region


2 April 2014
MOGILEV, 2 April (BelTA) – The trade between Mogilev Oblast and the Russian Federation increased by 2.5% to reach $2.6 billion in 2013, Vice Governor Valery Malashko said at a roundtable held on 2 April to mark the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia, BelTA has learnt. “Last year’s exports increased by 6.9% to make up $1.8 billion. Imports reduced by 6.1% to $0.8 billion. The trade surplus stood at nearly $1 billion. Its growth to the level of 2012 exceeded $0.1...
27 March 2014
MOGILEV, 27 March (BelTA) – Belarus’ first online oblast investment map was presented at the session of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee held on 27 March to discuss investment matters, BelTA has learned. According to Oleg Buyanov, Chairman of the Economy Committee of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee, the map has been created by the oblast administration in association with the Economic Informatics Chair of the Mogilev-based Belarusian-Russian University. The website...
4 March 2014
MOGILEV, 4 March (BelTA) – Plans have been made to create 1,100 business entities in Mogilev Oblast in 2014, BelTA learned from Viktor Nekrashevich, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee, at the session of the Mogilev Oblast Business Promotion Council on 4 March. According to the official, the contribution of private business to the oblast's development gradually increases. At present private business makes up virtually one third of the oblast economy. In 2013 private...
18 February 2014
MOGILEV, 18 February (BelTA) – Mogilev Oblast will allocate Br3.4 billion for the restoration of Bykhov Castle in 2014, BelTA learned from the Bykhov District Executive Committee. In accordance with the design and estimate documentation, this year work will continue on the conservation of the castle and reconstruction of the two towers. Work on Bykhov Castle was commenced last year, in accordance with the state program "Castles of Belarus". Over Br2.5 billion was...
4 February 2014
MOGILEV, 4 February (BelTA) - The Orthodox Belarus spiritual and educational fair will be held at the Bobruisk City Palace of Arts on 6-12 February, BelTA has learnt from the department for ideology, culture and youth affairs of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee. The official opening ceremony will be preceded by the prayer service Before the Beginning of a Good Deed. The wonder-working Icon of the Mother of God of Gorbatsevichi will be put on display and this...
13 December 2013
MOGILEV, 13 December (BelTA) - OAO Mogotex has invested over $30 million in its modernization in the course of five years, Director General of the enterprise Viktor Matiyevich told media, BelTA has learnt. According to Viktor Matiyevich, the main stage of the technical re-equipment program, which began in 2008, is about to finish. “We have plans to invest about ?5 million in equipment during the forthcoming year. However, this is only local investment aimed at optimizing costs and expand...
28 November 2013
MOGILEV, 28 November (BelTA) - The Belarusian-Russian Forum of Young Journalists has united professionalism and the youth, Secretary of the Russian Union of Journalists Roman Serebryany told BelTA at the Second Belarusian-Russian Forum of Young Journalists. “It is great that projects such as the forum of young journalists are implemented. The youth is the main thing we should have our focus on. Our main goal is to have young people get the right understanding of their profession. Yes,...
28 August 2013
MOGILEV, 28 August (BelTA) - Bard Music & Fishing Festival will be presented at the Day of the Belarusian Written Language in Bykhov, BelTA learnt from the main department of ideology, education and sport of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Two bard music concerts with the participation of famous Belarusian singers and musicians will be held there on 1 September. The event will also include an exhibition of the winners of the Lucky Fishing! contest which is held annually at Bard...
22 August 2013
MOGILEV, 20 August (BelTA) – Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units has manufactured the first batch of Belarus 320.4M small-size tractors fitted with engines produced by Minsk Motor Plant (MMZ trademark), BelTA learnt from the tractor sales division of the company. The company turned out 10 new tractors that will be shipped to Belarusian customers by the end of the month. The production of Belarus 320.4M tractors is part of the company’s import substitution strategy. These...
26 July 2013
MOGILEV, 25 July (BelTA) – An artistic envelope with a designer postmark “Belarusian Written Language Day in Bykhov” will be released into circulation on 5 August, BelTA learnt from the Mogilev branch of Belpochta. Some 30,000 copies of the envelope will be made. The envelope displays Bykhov landmarks. Its design is crowned with a coat of arms of the town. An ancient book and an inkpot with a pen are depicted at the bottom of the envelope against the alphabet from the ABC Book by...

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