Reception of the district executive committee

Leninskaya Street, 76
Shklov, Mogilev region 213010
Receiving room:
8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Region


12 November 2015
MOGILEV, 12 November (BelTA) – Polish businessmen are interested in developing their business in Belarus, Kujawsko-Pomorskie vice-marshal Slawomir Kopysc told a press briefing as he attended the Belarusian-Polish regional economic forum in Mogilev "Trade, Processing, Investment" on 12 November, BelTA has learned. The forum is the first serious step in developing economic cooperation between Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province of Poland and Mogilev Oblast. There is a strong potential for...
5 November 2015
MOGILEV, 5 November (BelTA) – German business is interested in developing cooperation with the companies of FEZ Mogilev and implementation of joint investment projects, Deputy Head of the FEZ Administration Irina Davydenko told BelTA as she commented on the results of the business matchmaking session between German and Mogilev businessmen. Today’s talks in the oblast center have determined two main areas in developing cooperation between businessmen of Mogilev and Germany. These are...
28 October 2015
MOGILEV, 28 October (BelTA) – A Declaration of commitment to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was signed in Mogilev on 28 October, BelTA has learned. The signing ceremony in the City Hall was attended by Chairman of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Domanevsky, UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative in Belarus Sanaka Samarasinha, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Belarus Yekaterina Paniklova. "Mogilev Oblast and Belarus as a whole...
21 October 2015
MOSCOW, 21 October (BelTA) – Belarus and Omsk Oblast of Russia plan to jointly work out innovative projects. The matter was discussed at a meeting between Omsk Oblast Governor Viktor Nazarov and Honorary Consul General of Belarus Vladimir Shuglya on 20 October, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Belarusian embassy in Russia. “Belarus is one of the most important partners for Omsk Oblast. Last year mutual foreign trade exceeded $155 million,” Viktor Nazarov said. The Governor...
15 October 2015
MINSK, 15 October (BelTA) – A big Belarus-Turkmenistan business forum kicked off in Ashgabat on 14 October, BelTA learnt from the Belarusian embassy in Turkmenistan. The forum was organized by the Belarusian diplomatic mission in Ashgabat, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the two countries. The event gathered about 150 businessmen, including nearly 25 Belarusian economic operators, the Minsk and Mogilev offices of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI). The...
6 October 2015
KRICHEV, 6 October (BelTA) – The Belarusian civil engineering company ZAO Belzarubezhstroy opened an enterprise in Krichev, Mogilev Oblast on 5 October. The enterprise is designed to make cement-bonded particleboards for the Belarusian civil engineering industry, BelTA has learned. Taking part in the opening ceremony were Belarusian Architecture and Construction Minister Anatoly Cherny, Belzarubezhstroy Director General Vitaly Bondarik, and representatives of the Austrian company VST...
23 September 2015
MINSK, 23 September (BelTA) – The World Bank allocated a $50 million loan for Belarus to support the modernization of the country's education system, Education Minister of Belarus Mikhail Zhuravkov said at the documents signing ceremony in the Education Ministry on 23 September, BelTA has learned. The new Education Modernization Project has been developed by the Belarusian Education Ministry in cooperation with World Bank specialists and includes three main components. The first...
14 September 2015
MOGILEV, 14 September (BelTA) – The Grand Prix of the 18th international festival of animated films Animayevka 2015 went to “Bendito Machine V: Pull the Trigger” by Jossie Malis, Spain, BelTA learned from the organizing committee of the festival. This year, most of the prizes have been awarded to foreign participants. For example, Spanish director Pedro Solís García won the Best Film for Children award. The movie “First Fall” directed by Aude Danset and Carlos de...
7 September 2015
MINSK, 7 September (BelTA) – Belarus has harvested 8.9 million tonnes of grain this year, Agriculture and Food Minister of Belarus Leonid Zayats said in an interview to the ONT TV Channel, BelTA has learned. “The total crop made up 8.9 million tonnes. The average yield stood at 39.7 centners per hectare, 0.5 centners up on 2014,” said Leonid Zayats. The country gathered 540,000 tonnes of grain fewer that last year. According to the minister, it was due to difficult weather...
26 August 2015
MINSK, 26 August (BelTA) - Three more Belarusian enterprises may resume pork supplies to Russia as from 26 August, reads a communication posted on the official website of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of Russia (Rosselkhoznadzor), BelTA has learned. According to the agency, "with the violations identified in the course of Rosselkhoznadzor inspections removed, and taking into account the assurances of the veterinary service of the Republic of Belarus,...

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