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Shklov Regional Executive Committee
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18 May 2012
MINSK, 18 May (BelTA) - Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Lu Yongxiang is expected to pay a friendly visit to Belarus. He will come to Belarus on an invitation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, BelTA learnt from the Belarusian Embassy in Beijing. The diplomatic mission stressed that the visit will further advance inter-parliamentary relations of Belarus and China. The visit will not only continue good traditions of the...
11 May 2012
MINSK, 11 May (BelTA) - The refinancing rate in Belarus will be cut down to 34% per annum on 16 May. Relevant resolution No.229 of 10 May 2012 was adopted by the Board of the National Bank, BelTA learnt from the information department of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB). The bank’s committee for monetary policy took a decision to reduce the refinancing rate on permanently affordable liquidity support operations and bilateral operations from 60% to 55% per annum and the...
4 May 2012
MINSK, 4 May (BelTA) – Print media of all forms of ownership are blossoming out in Belarus, Deputy Information Minister of Belarus Vladimir Matusevich told BelTA. About 1,400 newspapers and magazines are registered in the State Register of Mass Media. Over 1,000 of them are non-state ones. This year 36 newspapers and magazines have been registered, of which only three were registered by the government. “Therefore, the occasional allegations of the monopolization of print media by the...
27 April 2012
MINSK, 27 April (BelTA) – Belarus and Turkmenistan confirm their commitment to further enhancement of the long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the relevant communique after talks on 27 April, BelTA has learned. The document reads: “In the atmosphere of friendship, mutual understanding and deep trust the presidents of Belarus and Turkmenistan discussed the state and prospects of...
20 April 2012
MINSK, 20 April (BelTA) – The Belarusian space satellite is to be launched in June, Deputy Director General of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Mikhail Kovalev told reporters on 20 April, BelTA has learnt. “All the ground arrangements have been completed. The ground facilities are ready to receive, process and use satellite information,” he said. The Belarusian satellite will be inserted into orbit together with the Russian...
13 April 2012
MINSK, 13 April (BelTA) – The first meeting of the Friendship Club of Kazakhstan in Belarus took place in Minsk on 12 April, BelTA has learnt. The main objective of the club is to promote Kazakhstan-Belarus cooperation. The club was set up on the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Belarus to to support and strengthen the political, trade, economic, investment, cultural, humanitarian and sci-tech cooperation between Kazakhstan and Belarus. The club members are famous...
6 April 2012
MINSK, 6 April (BelTA) – Belarus will keep inflation under control, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko stated as he met with NBRB head Nadezhda Yermakova to receive her report on 5 April. The head of state was updated on the situation at the currency and monetary markets, the operation of economy and banks. The meeting also focused on a number of issues related to the Belarusian Women Union. “The financial sector is relatively stable. This is the main indicator that the situation...
23 March 2012
MINSK, 23 March (BelTA) – Belarus will conduct post-project environmental analysis of its future nuclear power plant together with neighboring countries, head of the department of state environmental expert analysis of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Belarus Alexander Andreyev told a press conference in Minsk. “Under the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, the talks regarding the construction of the Belarusian NPP will be...
21 March 2012
MINSK, 21 March (BelTA) – Differences between Belarus and the European Union can be settled if the heavy-handed approach is abandoned, said Andrei Savinykh, Head of the Information Office, Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, when asked about prospects of resolving the conflict between Belarus and the European Union. The official underlined: “Mutually acceptable resolution of existing differences is the only way out. It would meet interests of Belarus and the...
15 March 2012
MOSCOW, 15 March (BelTA) – First Vice Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko and Vice Premier of Russia Dmitry Rogozin agreed to create a working group to intensify military-technical cooperation on the meeting held in Moscow on 15 March, BelTA informs. Chairman of the State Defense Industries Committee Sergei Gurulev will head the group on Belarus’ behalf. A possibility to create joint ventures and holding companies in military-technical sector was discussed during the meeting, Vladimir...

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