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Shklov Regional Executive Committee
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23 May 2013
MINSK, 22 May (BelTA) – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Sudan on concurrent Igor Fisenko presented credentials to President of Sudan Omar Hassan al-Bashir on 22 May, BelTA learnt from the Foreign Ministry of Belarus. The official ceremony was followed by talks between the Belarusian diplomat and the President of Sudan. The parties considered the results of bilateral cooperation over the recent years, mainly in the trade and economic sector, and discussed...
13 May 2013
YEREVAN, 13 May (BelTA) – Belarus and Armenia have plans to establish a joint venture to assemble agricultural machines. The matter has been discussed at a meeting of Agriculture and Food Minister of Belarus Leonid Zayats with Minister of Agriculture of Armenia Sergo Karapetyan in Yerevan on 13 May, BelTA has learnt. Armenia would like to cooperate in areas like seed breeding, cattle breeding, supplies of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. “We are also very interested in purchasing...
2 May 2013
MINSK, 2 May (BelTA) – Belarus and Armenia will discuss a number of joint projects in culture. The talks will be held during the Days of Armenian Culture that are taking place in Belarus on 30 April-5 May, Deputy Culture Minister of Armenia Artur Poghosyan told Belta before the solemn opening of the Days of Armenian Culture that was held in the Belarusian State Philharmonic on 1 May. Cooperation envisages joint projects in movie-making, joint production of the Spartacus ballet of Aram...
22 April 2013
MINSK, 22 April (BelTA) – According to preliminary calculations, the nationwide subbotnik (a voluntary labor day) held on 20 April earned Br53 billion, up 29.3% over the previous year, the press service of the Belarusian government told BelTA. The city of Minsk made the biggest contribution earning Br17 billion while contributions of the six oblasts were Br7.3 billion by Gomel Oblast, Br6.3 billion by Mogilev Oblast, Br6.1 billion by Vitebsk Oblast, Br5.7 billion by Brest Oblast, Br5.5...
14 February 2013
MINSK, 14 February (BelTA) – A meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Commission for Interregional Cooperation of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus and the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of Russia will take place in Minsk on 15 February, BelTA learnt from the press service of the upper chamber of the Belarusian parliament. The meeting is part of the program of the visit of the Russian parliamentary delegation to Belarus led by First Deputy...
1 February 2013
MINSK, 1 February (BelTA) – Belarus and Hungary plan to expand cooperation between veterinary services and embark on joint projects in fish farming and animal husbandry, BelTA learnt from the Foreign Ministry of Belarus.Expansion of bilateral contacts was discussed in the meeting between Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Hungary Alexander Khainovsky and State Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Cooperation of Hungary, chairman of the bilateral working group for...
29 January 2013
PARIS, 29 January (BelTA) – The issue of the Belarusian-French regional cooperation was at the forefront of the meeting between Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to France Pavel Latushko and Head of the French Friendship Society “Rhone-Bourgogne-Belarus” Gilles Thevenon, BelTA learnt from the Belarusian embassy in France. The parties discussed the prospects of bilateral cooperation between twin towns of Belarus and France. In particular, the talks touched upon...
18 January 2013
MINSK, 18 January (BelTA) - Strengthening of cooperation with China is important for modernization of Belarusian enterprises, Andrei Tur, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Doctor of Economics, said at the Belarusian-Chinese seminar on industrial and sci-tech cooperation in Minsk, BelTA has learned. "Joint industrial and research policy with such a giant of the world economy as China will be very important for us in the coming years in terms of feasibility of the...
17 January 2013
MOSCOW, 17 January (BelTA) – The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), which office is located in Moscow, will open its offices in Belarus and Kazakhstan. The relevant draft decision of the EEC Council, approved by the decision of the EEC Board, has been published on the official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, BelTA has learnt.According to the draft provision, the office will secure EEC cooperation with the authorities of the hosting country, including in part of preparation of...
27 December 2012
MINSK, 27 December (BelTA) - In January-October of 2012, Belarus reduced the export of potash fertilizers by 19.2% as against the same period last year to 3,233,700 tonnes. The average price was $733 per tonne, an increase of 3.6%, BelTA learnt from the National Statistics Committee. Export to the CIS countries went down by 15.3% to 132.900 tonnes (the average price was $700 per tonne, down by 3%). Deliveries to the countries outside the CIS fell by 19.3% to 3,100,800 tonnes (the average...

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