Reception of the district executive committee

Leninskaya Street, 76
Shklov, Mogilev region 213010
Receiving room:
8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Republic


16 September 2010
MINSK, 16 September (BelTA) – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has congratulated President Felipe Calderon of the United Mexican States on Independence Day, BelTA learnt from the presidential press service. Alexander Lukashenko expressed confidence that traditionally warm, friendly relations between the two states would remain a solid foundation for further development of the bilateral cooperation. “I hope that gradual expansion of Belarus-Mexico relationship will match the...
15 September 2010
MINSK, 15 September (BelTA) – In January-August 2010 Belarus Gross Domestic Product (GDP) went up by 6.1% in comparable prices over the same months of the previous year and reached Br98.9 trillion in the current prices, the National Statistics Committee told BelTA. In line with the social and economic development forecast, GDP is projected to increase by 11-13% in 2010. In January-August, the production of industrial goods totaled 28.7%, agriculture – 6.9%, construction – 10%,...
14 September 2010
MINSK, 14 September (BelTA) – Some Belarusian regulations concerning the collection of indirect taxes in the Customs Union have been corrected. The press service of the Belarusian head of state told BelTA that Alexander Lukashenko signed decree No 7 to amend several presidential decrees that regulate the collection of indirect taxes in the Customs Union on 13 September. The decree is supposed to bring existing regulations into compliance with the Customs Union agreement on collecting...
14 September 2010
MINSK, 14 September (BelTA) - Belarus will soon invite international observers to monitor the election campaign, Lidia Yermoshina, chairperson of the Central Election Commission of Belarus, told reporters. When asked about when Belarus will invite international observers to monitor the preparation and holding of the presidential elections, Lidia Yermoshina said that in the coming days or weeks the Belarusian Foreign Ministry will send invitations to the international organizations which are...
14 September 2010
MINSK, 14 September (BelTA) – Br37 billion will be allocated from the national budget to hold the presidential election in Belarus, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Lidia Yermoshina told reporters on 14 September, BelTA has learnt. According to her, the funds were stipulated in the 2010 budget. Br27 billion are to be provided to hold the first round of the election and about Br11 billion to hold the second one. Lidia Yermoshina informed that the second round...
14 September 2010
MINSK, 14 September (BelTA) – The Council of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly is set to approve the draft agenda of the forthcoming session. Belarusian parliamentarians are also to decide on the date of the presidential election in Belarus, BelTA learnt. The parliamentarians are set to adopt the House of Representatives’ resolution on calling the presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus. The agenda of the session also includes passing the Budget and Tax...
13 September 2010
MINSK, 13 September (BelTA) – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko is set to consider the proposals concerning amendments to the traffic rules, BelTA learnt from the presidential press service. The Belarusian head of state will receive a report on introducing additions and amendments to the traffic regulations. БЕЛТА
10 September 2010
MINSK, 10 September (BelTA) – The House of Representatives of Belarus counts for better political relationship with the European Parliament, Chairman of the House of Representatives Permanent Commission for International Affairs and Links with the CIS Sergei Maskevich said as he met with European parliamentarian Viktor Uspaskich on 10 September. The Belarusian MP believes the relations between Belarus and the European Parliament are tense, “there is no mutual understanding that would...
9 September 2010
MINSK, 9 September (BelTA) – The state will keep providing support to the Belarusian cinema, but only new and promising projects will be financed, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with prominent Belarusian artistes to discuss the national cinema on 9 September, BelTA has learnt. “We will definitely support this important art; the financing will be increased, but the money will be earmarked only for new and promising projects,” the President said. In his words,...
8 September 2010
MINSK, 8 September (BelTA) – The literacy rate in Belarus is one of the world’s highest and makes up 99.7% among adults and 99.8% among the youth, the Education Ministry of Belarus told BelTA. Belarus leads among the CIS countries in the adult literacy rate and has one of the world’s highest literacy rates among young people. Education is among the priorities of Belarus’ state policy, this area accounts for one fourth of the budget expenditure. In Belarus there are nearly 4,000...

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