Reception of the district executive committee

Leninskaya Street, 76
Shklov, Mogilev region 213010
Receiving room:
8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Republic


25 November 2010
MINSK, 25 November (BelTA) - Decree No 10 “On additional terms for investment activities in the Republic of Belarus” dated 6 August 2009 may be supplemented by new incentives for investors, the chief of the general directorate of law making activities in economy and ecology of the Justice Ministry of Belarus, Sergei Zadiran, told reporters. “We have been working on the amendments to the decree for about four months. Now they are being approved by other government agencies,” Sergei...
24 November 2010
MINSK, 24 November (BelTA) – Foreign diplomats are planning to visit the State Property Committee on 24 November in order to learn more about the privatization process in Belarus, BelTA learnt from the press service of the committee. A delegation of the International Trading Club comprising heads and representatives of foreign institutions accredited in Belarus is set to meet with the authorities and specialists of the State Property Committee. The talks will highlight propriety relations...
22 November 2010
MINSK, 22 November (BelTA) – Belarus Investment Forum in Frankfurt am Main has caught the interest of foreign investors, Foreign Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky said in an interview to Belarus TV. In his words, Belarus’ first investment forum took place in London, a so-called financial hub of Europe, two years ago. It was the country’s first introduction, its presentation calling card. “The forum held in Frankfurt am Main was more advanced and aroused greater attention. The...
18 November 2010
MINSK, 18 November (BelTA) – An OSCE/ODIHR long-term observation mission has arrived in Belarus and is set to start its work in all the Belarusian regions on November 19. BelTA learnt from the headquarters of the observation mission. A total of 40 representatives from 18 countries have arrived in Belarus. Among them are representatives of Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Great Britain and the United States. The international observers are to assess how...
17 November 2010
FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 17 November (BelTA) – All sectors of the Belarusian economy are open to investment, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said in his letter of greeting to the participants of Belarus Investment Forum which opened in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on November 17. The address was read out by Vice Premier of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov. Today Belarus’ top priorities include energy, tourism, new high-technology manufactures, industry and agriculture. “I am sincerely happy...
16 November 2010
MINSK, 16 November (BelTA) - The European Commission has recommended the EU Council of Ministers to set up a commission for negotiations with Belarus on simplifying the procedures of getting short-term visas and readmission, BelTA learnt from the EU Office in Minsk. In particular, the European Commission suggests revising the list of issues on which the European Union is ready to simplify visa regime. The negotiations will cover the procedures of getting long-term multi-entry visas for...
15 November 2010
MINSK, 15 November (BelTA) – The National Investment and Privatization Agency will facilitate the arrival of investors in Belarus, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko told a government session held on 15 November to discuss the foundation and operation of the new government agency. The agency is supposed to streamline all processes and provide a one-stop way for investors to explore the Belarusian market, enabling the country to raise its economic potential, said the President....
12 November 2010
MINSK, 12 November (BelTA) – The policy of dictatorship is absolutely impossible for country like Belarus, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with largest German mass media companies. Alexander Lukashenko noted that in order for policy of dictatorship to be implemented one would need resources which Belarus simply does not have. “We do not have such resource and neither do I to be a dictator”, said the head of state. “Secondly, this is not who I am. I...
10 November 2010
MINSK, 10 November (BelTA) – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has ordered to eliminate all drawbacks in handling people’s petitions by the end of the year at a session to discuss ways to raise the efficiency of handing people’s petitions by the government on 9 November, BelTA learnt from the presidential press service. Addressing the officials in attendance, the President demanded, “Do not tell me that you understand the importance of the problem. The level of the session per...
9 November 2010
MINSK, 9 November (BelTA) – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko will hold a session to discuss the efficiency of interaction between the authorities and citizens on 9 November, BelTA learnt from the presidential press service. Every year, about 1 million people or virtually every tenth Belarusian apply to government bodies across a wide range of issues, mainly social services and the work of courts and law enforcement bodies. The leading cause of discontent is the work of housing and...

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