Reception of the district executive committee

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8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Region


18 February 2014

Over Br3.4bn for restoration of Bykhov Castle in 2014

MOGILEV, 18 February (BelTA) – Mogilev Oblast will allocate Br3.4 billion for the restoration of Bykhov Castle in 2014, BelTA learned from the Bykhov District Executive Committee.

In accordance with the design and estimate documentation, this year work will continue on the conservation of the castle and reconstruction of the two towers.

Work on Bykhov Castle was commenced last year, in accordance with the state program "Castles of Belarus". Over Br2.5 billion was assigned for this purpose from the national and local budgets. The Bykhov Castle reconstruction and renovation project is slated for completion in 2018.

“The castle is only a part of the Bykhov Fortress fortifications. The fortress compound, which is recognized as the national heritage site, also includes the synagogue and the territory of the former Roman-Catholic church. Built in the 17th century the synagogue is in decay and will be also renovated. This year the conservation of the synagogue will be completed. In the future the temple will be fully restored and turned into a museum. The engineering inspection of this specimen of architecture and culture was done thanks to the sponsorship funds,” specialists said.

In 2013 the Bykhov District Executive Committee opened an account to raise money for the restoration of the national historical and cultural asset. More than Br70 million was donated. This year, Bykhov plans to raise twice as much.

The castle was built in the early 17th century by Hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Jan Karal Chadkievic. In 1628, the owners of the castle were the Sapiehas. The castle was located on the bank of the Dnieper, in the form of irregular rectangle 77Ч100m big. On three sides the castle was protected by the moat 27 meters deep and ramparts with bastions. A palace was adjacent to the castle compound from the east side. The west side was reinforced by octagonal towers with 7-8 loopholes. Bykhov Castle housed a considerable military garrison, which was subordinated to the local administrator (Governor). In the 1990s the remaining buildings were turned into a woodworking shop, but after a fire in August 2004 the castle was abandoned.

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