Reception of the district executive committee

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Shklov, Mogilev region 213010
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8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Region


3 September 2008

Mogilev companies to participate in fair in Russian Zvenigorod

Some 16 trading organizations and companies and also art groups and sports teams of Mogilev will take part in the fair-sale which will be held in the Russian town of Zvenigorod on September 5-7, BelTA learnt in the Mogilev City Council. Representatives of Mogilev intend to organize a real festival for the residents of Zvenigorod. Mogilev producers will present a great number of goods produced in the region – from foodstuffs to textiles and footwear. The fair will also include cultural and sports programmes. In particular, a handball tournament will be held between women’s teams of Mogilev and Zvenigorod. It is not the first visit of representatives of Mogilev to Zvenigorod. The two towns signed a cooperation agreement in 2006. Henceforth, Zvenigorod has become a peculiar “launch pad” for the Mogilev-based companies to the market of the Moscow region which regularly holds economic, cultural and trade missions, organizes visits of businessmen. Mogilev Meat-Packing Plant opened its chain store in Zvenigorod.


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