Reception of the district executive committee

Leninskaya Street, 76
Shklov, Mogilev region 213010
Receiving room:
8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Region


13 February 2008

Forestry companies of Mogilev oblast increase exports 1,5 times in 2007

In 2007, the forestry companies of the Mogilev production forestry association exported products worth of $23.8 million, or 47.4% up over 2006, deputy general director oft eh association Nikolai Domnenkov told BelTA. Exports accounted for 65% of the sales (55% in 2006). The best results were posted by the Osipovichi experimental forestry company, which exported products to the tune of $3.9 million, and also Mogilev ($2.5 million), Bobruisk ($2.1 million) and Klichev ($2 million) forestry companies. The domestic sales were more than 1 million cubic meters of forest products (Br32.6 billion), or almost 30% up over 2006. The sales proceeds increased by 29.1% from the previous year to amount to Br85.2 billion. Profitability of sold products made up 37.9% as against 11.1% in 2006.

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