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Main News Region


20 April 2012

Belarus partaking in FAO Regional Conference meeting

MINSK, 20 April (BelTA) – The Belarusian delegation is taking part in the 28th meeting of the Regional Conference for Europe of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization that kicked off in Baku on 19 April, BelTA has learnt. The program of the meeting envisages the debates on tendencies and challenges in agriculture and food security as well as the consideration of the global strategic framework for food security and nutrition. The first day saw a ministerial meeting that highlighted food security in the region and food forecast through 2050. Partaking in the meeting was head of the Belarusian delegation, Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister Vasily Sedin who presented Belarus’ stance on the Organization’s reforms and priorities in the near-term outlook. Vasily Sedin emphasized Belarus’ readiness to be a food security donor and its interest in boosting agricultural exports. Vasily Sedin also met with the heads of the delegations of the Customs Union member states - deputy agriculture ministers of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. The sides coordinated initiatives and joint advancement of their interests within the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, outlined the Customs Union positions in relation to the World Trade Organization.


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