Reception of the district executive committee

Leninskaya Street, 76
Shklov, Mogilev region 213010
Receiving room:
8 (02239) 3-44-81

Main News Region


18 February 2009
MINSK, February 18 (BelTA) – The international youth theater forum will take place in Mogilev on March 22-27, BelTA has learnt from Andrey Novikov, director of Mogilev Drama Theater. Invitations to participate in the fourth theatre forum have been sent to ten creative teams from five countries – Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and, for the first time, Kazakhstan. During a week eleven performances casting over 200 actors will be staged at the Mogilev theatre. The theatre...
17 February 2009
MOGILEV, February 17 (BelTA) – President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is making a tour of the Babushkina Krynka dairy in Mogilev, BelTA reports. The head of state will get familiar with the economic and social development of the company, its performance in the modern-day financial-economic conditions, the course of technological upgrade and also development prospects, production of new goods, competitiveness of products and the efforts to expand sales markets. Alexander Lukashenko will...
12 February 2009
MOGILEV, February 12 (BelTA) – On February 13-14, Mogilev will host the Belarus Athletics Championships for the prizes of the Sportivnaya Panorama Newspaper, BelTA learnt from Anastasia Marinina, press seceratry of the Belarusian Athletics Federation. Best female athlete 2008 Oksana Menkova and best coach 2008 Valery Vorontsov will be honoured during a ceremony in the Olimpiets Sports Centre of Mogilev On February 13. The best athletes of Belarus will take part in the championships:...
11 February 2009
MOGILEV, February 11 (BelTA) – Eighteen families from Mogilev, whose family members were killed during the Afghan war, were awarded with the Medal “20th anniversary of the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan”. The award ceremony was held in the Mogilev City Hall on February 11, BelTA learnt. During the ceremony, first deputy chairman of the Mogilev City Council Oleg Litenkov noted that though many years have passed since the withdrawal of the troops from Afghanistan,...
5 February 2009
Some 38 Pablo Picasso’s masterpieces will be showcased in the Mogilev branch of the Belarus National Museum of Arts – the Byalynitsky-Birulya Museum on April 25, BelTA learnt from Irina Skvortsova, head of the research and educational department of the Belarus National Museum of Arts. According to her, Mogilev will become the first regional centre of Belarus which will host the exhibition of Picasso’s ceramics from the stocks of the Belarus National Museum of Arts. The dishes, plates,...
30 January 2009
In 2008, Mogilevliftmash exported products at the amount of almost $147 million, or 30% up as against 2007, BelTA learnt in the company. The Mogilev-based company increased the export of elevators of various modifications and spare parts for them to the CIS countries. The share of the export to the Russian Federation reached 75%. Mogilevliftmash has set up a wide dealer network in Russia (50 dealer centres in various regions). In 2008, Mogilevliftmash produced 8824 elevators of various...
21 January 2009
Mogilevkhimvolokno intends to diversify its sales markets, Sergei Puzevich, director general of the company, told reporters on January 20. Belarusian Prime Minister Sergei Sidorsky visited the Mogilev-based company to get familiar with the implementation of the investment programme of development of the giant of Belarus’ chemical industry, BelTA has learnt. Earlier, the company has exported about 70% of its products to the Russian Federation (for the textile industry mainly). “Russian...
14 January 2009
The Shklov newsprint mill will launch its papermaking machine after the scheduled shutdown on January 15, BelTA learnt from chief engineer of the plant Oleg Misiurov. The papermaking machine was stopped on January 12 because of the planned construction activities and reconstruction of some mechanisms. Specialists of the plant in consultation with the Petrazavodskmash Company (Karelia, Russian Federation) have updated the drier rolls and did some other works that will allow the company to...
16 December 2008
Mogilevkhimvolokno has produced a pilot lot of fatty acid methyl ester (biodiesel fuel) from rapeseed oil, BelTA learnt from chief engineer of the enterprise Alexander Medvedev. “The production of the pilot lot of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) has shown that we can launch the commercial production of biofuel provided the manufacturing process is streamlined and optimized. In H2 2009, we plan to reach the annual designed capacity of FAME production – 30,000 tonnes from which we can get...
31 October 2008
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has approved the appointment of Sergei Puzevich as Director General of Mogilevkhimvolokno, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Head of State. Prior to the appointment Sergei Puzevich was director of the Polyester Thread-Making Plant of the Mogilevkhimvolokno Company. The company has already completed the first stage of the development programme, Sergei Puzevich told reporters. In the future, Mogilevkhimvolokno will pay special attention to...

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