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Shklov Regional Executive Committee
Main / Tourism


Excursions, Sightseeing

Guided tour of the city and district Shklov:

- "The city in which we live." First mentioned in the 1518g. Hallmark of the city is the City Hall (1789). In addition to Shklov preserved ancient buildings of the Roman - Catholic Church of St. Peter and Paul (19 20vv), a paper mill office building of "Spartacus" (late 19th century), synagogue, etc.

- "Shklovskii Alexandria" ("little homeland"). Mentioned in 1695 as a center in the Shklov voitovstvo county. Settlement received its name in the name of the founder and first owner Alexander Chodkiewicz.

Alexandria - a small home of the first President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. In Alexandria, there is a zone area has Krynica and gazebo in a tent.

Things to Do

- Transfiguration Church

- City Hall

- The Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul

- City Park

- Building office paper factory "Spartak"

- Nizhninsky Moat

- Monument "Gherkin"

- Avenue of Heroes

- Dnieper line, obelisk

- One of the buildings of the old school, where he studied under Alexander Lukashenko

- Museum im.P.M.Aleynikova d.Krivel

Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church (end of XVIII century)

The church began in the late 18th century. by S. Zorich, who managed to lay the foundation. We continue to be the means of pilgrims Agafya Sidorova resident Shklov. Out of the erection of the church in 1905. Transfiguration Church Memorial eclectic architecture, which combines the features and styles psevdovizantiyskogo "modern." The temple remained in force in the years of atheism and the Great Patriotic War. In 1993 the. on the main dome was restored and put a new roof cross.


Town Hall (18th century)
The monument of civil architecture of 18th century. Built in the classicism style. The stone building is at the town square in conjunction with trading stalls. Shklovskaya Hall is one of the oldest monuments of modern Shklov - is a hallmark of the city. The spire is crowned with the emblem of the city hall, and decorate the walls of the tower clock, which can be heard bout throughout, the District. City Hall has been included in the catalog of monuments of world architecture, published in the United States. In 1999. Hall has been restored, and shopping arcades rebuilt, the new building is a gymnasium, but in the hall - school museum.

CITY PARK (late 19th - nach.20vv.) 
The monument of landscape architecture. Created in the late 19 nach.20vv., A landscape type of eclectic. The park is located on the flat terrain and is divided into operating and production (there is a factory of "Spartacus") zone. Feature of the park - a large number of avenues: oak, chestnut, linden, poplar, maple. The plantations of the park are native species of trees and plants. Park in order Krivosheina created local gardener C. J. Malinowski, a resident of d.Ulanovo. The park is used as an urban recreation park. On its territory there are nursery schools, dancing, cabaret and concert halls, sports complexes, stadium. In the middle of the park is one of the oldest trees of the park-poplar. He was incomplete for 300 years. Poplar was planted next to the manor house and a place of Krivosheina fixing carriages drove to the east of the alley. And in the days of Count Zorich in 1780, Catherine II herself walking in what was then Forest Grove and admire the sprawling young poplars. Thus came the name "Catherine poplar."

Exposure of interglacial peat was discovered in 1965 near the left bank of the Dnieper in Shklov.

His area of 7.7 hectares. "Nizhninsky ditch" has received worldwide recognition. In its representation, power and features of the structure is much superior to similar objects in other regions of Northern Eurasia and North America. "Bald Mountain" - is a component and the highest point of the ditch. Its height is 30 m. It is the tourist-excursion set "Bald Mountain". "Nizhninsky ditch" - a natural monument of national importance.




Monument "Cucumber"

Shklovschina long been famous for the cultivation of cucumbers and their rich harvest. But the most popular cucumber Shklovsky was in the second half of the 20th century. And now this fishery has not lost its economic importance. From 2006 to arrange your holiday Shklov - the day of the cucumber. July 28, 2007 a monument was unveiled cucumber. Produced a sculpture of Mogilev sculptor Andrei Vorobyov.






Avenue of Heroes

At the mall heroes Shklovsky district, which was founded in 1985, immortalized the names of five Heroes of the Soviet Union and nine of Heroes of Socialist Labor. A July 17, 2005 after the restoration was the opening of the renovated mall, which highlighted the Metropolitan Filaret.

November 7, 2005 at the Alley of the obelisk was raised to soldiers-internationalists, our fellow countrymen who died in Afghanistan. In the alley installed tank IS-3.