13 February 2008
Forestry companies of Mogilev oblast increase exports 1,5 times in 2007
In 2007, the forestry companies of the Mogilev production forestry association exported products worth of $23.8 million, or 47.4% up over 2006, deputy general director oft eh association Nikolai Domnenkov told BelTA. Exports accounted for 65% of the sales (55% in 2006). The best results were posted by the Osipovichi experimental forestry company, which exported products to the tune of $3.9 million, and also Mogilev ($2.5 million), Bobruisk ($2.1 million) and Klichev ($2 million) forestry companies. The domestic sales were more than 1 million cubic meters of forest products (Br32.6 billion), or almost 30% up over 2006. The sales proceeds increased by 29.1% from the previous year to amount to Br85.2 billion. Profitability of sold products made up 37.9% as against 11.1% in 2006.